Hi, I have a problem installing FC4 with an kickstart installation. Everytime when anaconda is reading the comps.xml file I have the following error: --- snip --- * moving (1) to step firewall * moving (1) to step timezone * moving (1) to step accounts * moving (1) to step readcomps * Using file:///mnt/source/./Fedora/base/comps.xml * base references package cryptsetup which doesn't exist * base references package openCryptoki which doesn't exist * base references package prctl which doesn't exist * legacy-software-development references package compat-libstdc++-devel which doesn't exist * legacy-software-development references package compat-gcc-c++ which doesn't exist * legacy-software-development references package compat-gcc-295 which doesn't exist * legacy-software-development references package compat-gcc-296 which doesn't exist * legacy-software-development references package compat-gcc which doesn't exist * legacy-software-development references package compat-libstdc++ which doesn't exist * legacy-software-development references package compat-libstdc++-295 which doesn't exist * legacy-software-development references package compat-libstdc++-32 which doesn't exist * legacy-software-development references package compat-gcc-c++-32 which doesn't exist * compat-arch-support references package libtool-libs which doesn't exist * compat-arch-support references package openCryptoki which doesn't exist * compat-arch-support references package libf2c which doesn't exist * legacy-software-support references package compat-pwdb which doesn't exist * java-development references package jakarta-commons-daemon which doesn't exist* java-development references package beecrypt-java which doesn't exist * java-development references package jakarta-commons-daemon-javadoc which doesn't exist * gnome-desktop references package gnome-backgrounds which doesn't exist * core references package yaboot which doesn't exist * core references package iprutils which doesn't exist * core references package elilo which doesn't exist * core references package s390utils which doesn't exist * core references package ppc64-utils which doesn't exist * japanese-support references package jcode.pl which doesn't exist * mail-server references package perl-Cyrus which doesn't exist * miscallvars references package anaconda-product which doesn't exist * miscallvars references package lilo which doesn't exist * kannada-support references package openoffice.org-langpack-kn_IN which doesn't exist * web-server references package struts11-webapps-tomcat5 which doesn't exist * web-server references package httpd-suexec which doesn't exist * base-x references package desktop-backgrounds-extra which doesn't exist * development-tools references package gcc-ppc32 which doesn't exist * development-tools references package pfmon which doesn't exist * development-tools references package gcc-c++-ppc32 which doesn't exist * Running kickstart %traceback script(s) --- snip --- Any idea what the error could be? The FC4 NFS mount is a 1:1 copy of the FC4 CDs I took the %package section of the CD installed FC4 and integrated it in my own kickstart config. Here is my kickstart config file: --- snip --- lang en_US.UTF-8 langsupport en_US keyboard de-latin1-nodeadkeys mouse selinux --enforcing interactive timezone Europe/Berlin rootpw --iscrypted $1$Q7dDA42l$moH7vgJ7AYHgeQ4gqM55B. reboot install text network --bootproto dhcp --device eth0 nfs --server --dir /data/FC4 bootloader --location=mbr zerombr yes clearpart --all --initlabel part swap --size 2048 part /boot --fstype ext3 --size 100 part /var --fstype ext3 --size 5000 part / --fstype ext3 --size 1 --grow auth --useshadow --enablemd5 --enableldap --enableldapauth --ldapserver --ldapbasedn ou=group1,o=comp1,c=de firewall --enabled --ssh xconfig --depth=32 --resolution=1280x1024 --defaultdesktop=GNOME --startxonboot --monitor="LCD Panel 1280x1024" --card "Intel 915" --videoram 16384 %packages --ignoremissing @ office @ engineering-and-scientific @ editors @ system-tools @ text-internet @ gnome-desktop @ java @ games @ base-x @ graphics @ printing @ kde-desktop @ mail-server @ admin-tools @ development-tools @ sound-and-video @ graphical-internet k3b kernel-smp-devel tsclient kdemultimedia kernel-smp grub -dovecot iptraf -xsane evolution-connector -gnome-pilot mc vnc kdeedu e2fsprogs -xsane-gimp -sendmail-cf gnome-nettool kdegraphics kdegames -spamassassin lynx postfix ethereal-gnome -sane-frontends system-config-kickstart sysstat kdeadmin xpdf %post --- snip --- thanks in advance, Martin