On 6/14/05, Jared Buck <JBuck814366460@xxxxxxx> wrote:
I'vve tried everything I can think of, and right now, BT in my opinion is just not very efficient at downloading ANYTHING. At my current speed it will take 8 DAYS to finish downloading the FC4 isos, and that isn't acceptable to me. These slow speeds are the only reason I currently have a very big dislike of BT.
Talk with your ISP... maybe they're blocking/filtering ports.
Investigate. NMAP your machine from the outside and see if ports 6881-6899 are open. It doesn't sound like they are.
Sounds more like they are mitigating traffic on those ports. They are allowing them, but at only at bandwidth x on those ports. This is usually done using mitigating appliances within the headend/ISP.