Re: BitTorrent issues with FC4 isos

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Tom Diehl wrote on 6/13/2005, 8:58 PM:

 > On Mon, 13 Jun 2005, Jared Buck wrote:
 > > Hi all,
 > >
 > > Am trying to download FC4 via BitTorrent but I continue to
 > experience the same problems I've had with every torrent
 > > download I've tried - the speed is around 6 kb/s for every torrent
 > I've ever downloaded.  I've enabled UpnP, asked my
 > > router to port forward port 6881 (or whatever port I happen to be
 > using), and told my software firewall to allow
 > > Azerus to run as both a server and a client.  After trying all of
 > these, my BT downloads continue to poke along at 6
 > > kb/s or so, - when I download files over HTTP or FTP, I get around
 > 200kb/s.  I had BT before and once it DID download
 > > at around 100kb/s, but I don't remember what settings I enabled to
 > get that speed.
 > >
 > > I'vve tried everything I can think of, and right now, BT in my
 > opinion is just not very efficient at downloading
 > > ANYTHING. At my current speed it will take 8 DAYS to finish
 > downloading the FC4 isos, and that isn't acceptable to
 > > me.  These slow speeds are the only reason I currently have a very
 > big dislike of BT.
 > How long are you letting it run? It sometimes takes several hours for the
 > dload speed to come up. Mine was running 10-15kb/s for approx the first 4
 > hours, it is now up to 150kb/s. For my dsl circuit that is about all I
 > can
 > expect.
 > Regards.
 > Tom Diehl       tdiehl@xxxxxxxxxxxx     Spamtrap address
 > mtd123@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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10-15 is where it is right now in terms of download speed.  I'll let it 
run overnight and see where it is then.


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