On Wed, Jun 08, 2005 at 09:05:59AM -0600, Robin Laing wrote:
I now know why I am having problems with a couple of things I an trying to do from the CLI. The more I think about it, the more it is a bug. I will wait until I install FC4 to see if this is still an issue.
It will be.
Bash is trying its best to do what you want -- to pretend that symlinked directories are bind mounts (see the man page for mount, lookit "--bind"). But because of the nature of symlinks, sometimes that pretense can't cover for everything.
The two possible solutions are: 1) understand what's going on and work around it and 2) turn off the pretense with 'set -P'.
Oh, and of course 3) don't use symlinks for directories; use bind mounts instead.
Another option is to use symlinks the other way around when required and remove them when not needed. In my case this would solve about 90% of the problems.
One of the Linux people here suggested creating some scripts or aliases to accomplish some of what I need/want to do.
It would be nice if there was an option in cp and mv to work within symlinked situations. Time for a RFE?
I will have to learn about bind mounts and how to use them. This may be the best option for the other 10% of situations. Especially for various directories that are common across users such as music and movies.
This is fun. :) -- Robin Laing