On Tue, 2005-06-07 at 08:40 +0200, Fabrice Beauvir wrote: > Just a little problem.. When you execute system-install-package, it > looking for CDs !!! > AND when you set tree to the http dir it is unable to load .discinfo. > ("system-install-package -tree=http://myhttp/mydir"; ) Perhaps the -tree option supports only directory names, not URIs? > I was obliged to copy my 3 install CD on the HDD and I wonder why > system-install-packages don't use the same sources as yum..... Work is ongoing towards integrating the package updater with yum, but it hasn't made it in time for FC4 and *might* not even make it in FC5 :-( You'd probably be better off adding yum repo support to the server on which you have the tree installed. It's fairly easy to do using createrepo. Paul. -- Paul Howarth <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxx>