Re: Is it possible to use Borland Kylix 3 on FC3??

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--- Bo Berglund <bo.berglund@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I am a Win Delphi programmer and I have installed
> Fedora Core 3 to
> test it out. So now I also wanted to install Kylix 3
> (ships with
> Delphi Pro 7). THe install seems to go OK even
> though there are no
> good feedback. But then when I use the Applications
> menu link to the
> Kylix IDE, *nothing* happens....
> I am not very knowledgeable on Linux/FC3 so I can't
> debug this
> behaviour.
> Is there a known fix or is it not possible to use
> Kylix on FC3?
> The Kylix docs mention Linux distros like RedHat
> 7.2, do I have to
> downgrade to that to get Kylix running?
> Bo Berglund
> -- 
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> fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
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i used to have Kylix on my RH9 and then FC2. 

To tell you the truth, Borland stopped supporting
Kylix. I guess it's because they went on using Java as
base lang, and their products written in Java works
fine (I have JBuilder 2005 and CBuilder X installed on
FC3, works just fine). Don't know why they didn't
rewrite Delphi into Java. Anyway, Kylix is dead.

I had many troubles installing Kylix even on RH9. i
had to apply patches and install compat libs and edit
stuff. Even then, when i upgraded to FC2, again had to
do some stuff to get it working. And, eventually,
after i upgraded to kernel to some, it stopped
working absolutely. I then read on some forums, that
2.6.xx kernels changed some memory handling stuff, so
Kylix won't work on these kernels. That's it.

If you want to work with Kylix without troubles, you
definitely need RH7.

Mike B

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