On Mon, 2005-05-30 at 20:52 -0400, Bill Johnson wrote: > OK... I'm tearing my hair out on this one. I recently upgraded from > Fedora Core 1 (actually, it was a clean install) to Fedora Core 3. I > use a Netgear HA501 (80211.A) wireless card, which I had working under > Core 1. It took me weeks at that time, as I recall, and was easily the > closest I've come to giving up on Linux. Now, I'm in the same boat. > I've spent hours searching for every error message on Google, tried to > use the #MADWIFI irc channel (got no response), and still cannot get it > to work. > > SO... is there anybody on this group who has this working with Fedora > Core 3, and would be willing to correspond with me to get it working? > If I plug my mepis CD in, the thing works perfectly. But for some > reason, it is stumping me with FC3. > > Thanks in advance for any assistance. > > Bill J. > I had some difficult making Madwifi on Fedora Core 3 using WPA-PSK, but I succeed in the end. This what I did: Hardware: D-link wireless router DI-624 and miniPCI DWL-G650 on my notebook (also successful using a USB DWL-G122) Useful web pages: FAQ > http://www.mattfoster.clara.co.uk/madwifi-9.htm FC3 setup > http://fedoranews.org/blog/?p=599 I got it working first with USB DWL-G122 using ndiswrapper and wpa_supplicant. So I knew I was doing it right with the router and that wpa_supplicant was working right. I didn't like this solution because on needs to run a custom kernel to increase stack size to 16k. ifup/ifdown wlan0 worked no problem and therefore neat also. This was not true for the Madwifi module as described at the end of http://fedoranews.org/blog/?p=599. After lots of searching what worked for me was the following script: #!/bin/bash PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin/ #Secure: #WPA-PSK Works! modprobe ath_pci ifconfig ath0 up #iwlist ath0 scan wpa_supplicant -Bw -iath0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -Dmadwifi dhclient iwconfig ath0 rate 54M #iwconfig #ifconfig #NOTE: if you use ifup WPA-PSK doesn't work for this driver! #Also you might need to unplug it to get it to load ath0 properly I don't understand why ifup doesn't work, and therefore neat, like on the other wireless card but the above script works for me. To take the wireless connection down I have the following script: #!/bin/bash PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin #Shutting Down: ifdown ath0 modprobe -r ath_pci killall -s SIGUSR1 wpa_supplicant killall -s SIGUSR1 dhclient Some of the code might be redundant. regards al