After performing a yum clean packages and then a yum clean all, my FC3 system started slowing down. I would press a key and wait a few seconds for a response. Then it was a minute wait. Then it was infinete. I had to shut it down with 'the switch' to get back to where I am now. But the truth is, although this happened after cleaning yum, this is not the first time that it has happened to me. I had Opera, konsole, kmail, and konqerer open at the time. I can hear the hard disk crunching away whenever that happens. The computer is an AMD Duron machine with 512 megs of SDram. Note that I can move the mouse and the pointer keeps up with me. Other than that- frozen. Any ideas what to look for? I will try to keep track of what is running when this happens, when it happens again. Dotan Cohen