to the LVM, plus sveral other things, if you are not 100% sure of what you are doing it's easy to trash your system. It's gtting better but still needs work.
On Sun, 29 May 2005, Oliver Vecernik wrote:
Richard Crawford schrieb:After the fiasco with my music server, I've decided I may as well rebuild it. The drive is 160 GB, and this is the partitioning scheme that I'm pondering for it:
After a very good experience using LVM (another thread, just a couple of days ago) I strongly recommend using it. You'll never have to worry again of disk space and partitioning scheme as long as you are willing to buy another hard disk. :-)
BTW: FC3 uses it by default, if you did a plain install. Type vgdisplay -v to see if you're using it.