On Mon, 2005-05-23 at 12:38 -0700, MJang wrote:
Just wondering where the $releasever and $basearch variables are set
(these variables are found in the files in the /etc/yum.repos.d
I understand what they are, that $releasever is the release version (i.e. 3 or 4 for Fedora Core 3 or 4), and $basearch is the architecture such as i386 or x86_64, but just can't figure out where these variables are set.
Yum just expands these strings to the appropriate values as and when it encounters them.
It derives the $releasever value from the version number of the package configured as "distroverpkg" (actually, whatever "provides" that in RPM parlance) in /etc/yum.conf, and $basearch from a call to the operating system's uname(2) function.
This might explain why you need to use "wget -c" to get the new yum RPM from the new official repo /before/ you execute "yum check-update" and "yum [-y] upgrade." That's the only way you're going to get the $releasever to read correctly.