Antonio Olivares wrote:
I agree with your comments. Some people have a slow
conection and cannot/have a very hard time getting the
packages. With one cd, you won't have enough. It is
better to have at least two DE's one goes down, you
fall back on the other one. It is also better to have
two kernel's or more. One does not work as you want,
you fall back on the other one. KDE is not playing
nice, you go to GNOME, GNOME does not play nice, you
go to KDE, also vice versa with xfce.
For one thing, Ubuntu in my opinion should not be compared with Fedora. There is no comparison. Ubuntu is a one-size fits all approach to quickly get things setup with little or no choice and many great apps missing while as Fedora (some complain bloat) has
I think you don't properly understand Ubuntu. ubuntu has (approximately) all 13,000 or so packages from Debian ready for users to download. For example, these are just an apt-get\ install away.
mostly everything that you need and yes you have to
make choices if you are selective, but if you have the
space do a complete install and then make the choices
of what you use/need. Also in my opinion, if you want
a one-cd, there are already too many distro's on one
cd[Knoppix, Kanotix, PCLinuxOS, Slax], why reinvent
the wheel. Fedora is not for that. Fedora is a
full-featured, (complete Operating System). And as
previously mentioned some of the above mentioned
distros are better than Ubuntu in my opinion. And the
hype about Ubuntu continues . . .
I'd not count Knoppix and its ilk as distros, they're demonstration/ermergency tools, even those that _can_ be installed. If one installs Knoopix, one has a bit of a maintenance mess: some from Debian Sarge (testing), some from SID (Still In Development) and some from other places.
Cheers John
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