Is anybody using the captive-ntfs thing ? I've installed captive-1.1.5 but if I use the captive-ntfs file system type, mount complains that I need to issue the mount of a NTFS partition using the following: --W32 filesystem .sys module not --found: /usr/local/var/lib/captive/ntfs.sys at /sbin/mount.captive-ntfs line 65. --You should run captive-install-acquire(1) of 'captive-install' package, --otherwise you can also acquire this file from URL: I get the same listing if I use "mount.captive-ntfs" instead of the "mount" command. I've dowloaded from Microsoft the CheckedBuild but I'm not able to find commands : captive-install or captive-install-acquire(1) Is someone doin work this things ? Thank in advance Horacio