How can i do to avoid "topposting" ? im sorry but i don't know what it means.
It seems your replies are taking some time to reach the list, which may explain why I appear to have ignored them for a while. I guess you've probably already received my reply to your previous post, which gives a reference to top-posting.
I type the command you gave me (rpm --import)and it told me that:
[root@portailDEM ~]# rpm --import /usr/share/doc/fedora-release-*/RPM-GPG-KEY*
[root@portailDEM ~]#
Good so but when i retry the yum command, it tells me a strange error:
[root@portailDEM ~]# yum install mysql-server Setting up Install Process Setting up Repo: base Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base [root@portailDEM ~]#
My server is on a LAN and do not have acess to internet
OK, that's why yum isn't working.
Don't know what to do :( a) totaly remove the following ? rpm -qa | grep mysql mysql-3.23.58-13 libdbi-dbd-mysql-0.6.5-9 mysql-devel-3.23.58-13 b) or only getting the server (and which version/URL) ?
You don't need to remove anything. Just install the mysql-server RPM from your install media (it will be in the Fedora/RPMS directory of your DVD or one of your CDs, not sure which one).
Then do the chkconfig and service commands that I referred to earlier.