> You also might try " yum clean all" then retry the update. Thank you, I tried the above command and that gave me my first clue as to the problem. I have my cache stored on an nfs mount, the exported directory has rw permissions on user and group with group set gid and the group owner is users. All of my standard login accounts are members of group users which allows individual to share any folder stored on that export. For whatever reason the export and underlying drive got confused, as in even logging on as root to the local machine it would not allow any writing to that directory. I stopped the nfs and smb services, unmounted the mount, forced an fsck check, then remounted the mount point and restarted the nfs and smb services. All works fine now. Later I will dig into the logs and see if there is any thing interesting in them, if so I will post back what I find. Thanks to all for you suggestions and assistance. John