hello again I've FC3 (with latest kernel & rpm packages from RedHat update) I can't install kernel-utils-2.4-13.1.49_FC3 from up2date. The error message is: *********************** install failed because of package conflicts: file /usr/sbin/smartctl from install of kernel-utils-2.4-13.1.49_FC3 conflicts with file from package smartmontools-5.33-1.4 file /usr/sbin/smartd from install of kernel-utils-2.4-13.1.49_FC3 conflicts with file from package smartmontools-5.33-1.4 ************************** Has anyone tried the kernel-utils-2.4-13.1 installation with --force in this same situation? is smartmontools-5.33-1.4 the latest package? (it seems yes) as always, thanks a lot in advance for your answers, fabiano (\__/) .~ ~. )) /0 0 `./ .' {O__, \ { / . . ) \ |-| '-' \ } )) .( _( )_.' '---.~_ _ _& ************************************************ **** WHOLE LOTTA LOVE!!! ***** ************************************************ FABIANO PETRONE CIB3 - Biblioteca di Economia e Giurisprudenza Universita' di Udine VIA TOMADINI 30/A 33100 UDINE ITALY 0432-249604 fax: 0432-249619 fabiano.petrone@xxxxxxxxxxxx