On Monday 09 May 2005 16:14, Richard Crawford wrote: > Our IT guy tells me that my Linux laptop is broadcasting on port > 31337. And while I don't trust his competence, I am concerned > about this. I've looked around and it looks like 31337 is used > by Back Orifice which, as far as I know, is a Windows beast. > > I've added an IPTABLES rule to block outbound traffic to that > port from my computer but I still need to figure out what's going > on. Anyone have any ideas? Broadcasting what? Run tcpdump/windump or a similar packet capture utility on your lan to capture the data. Just because you have a PC, Linux or Win, that uses a particular ephemeral port for outgoing connections is not an indication of something wrong. Normally a PC will increment it's port usage and wrap around at port 65535 and begin again so it's going to run past all ephemeral ports eventually. Regards, Mike Klinke