It appears that I got a mass-mailing worm on my FC3 system the other day. I discovered it when I got an email from myself to an alternate email address. It was an advertisement for the following site: I had 'chkrootkit" on my system and I ran that afterwards. It reported that my system is clean. I installed F-Prot's virus software afterwards on this computer and had it check my system. It also reported that there no problems to be found. My FC3 system has Selinux installed and all files are up to date. I also have "Shorewall" installed. I can't find any trace of it now, but I am getting lots of emails about undeliverable email from me to people in my address book stating that an email sent from me had " 6 x Worm.Sober.P." in it. It also seems to have been a one time thing. But I had thought that these worms were only for MS system... Any ideas here? Lloyd lloyd545220-trucker@xxxxxxxxx Lloyd Hayes Web Journal: Web Site: