On Tue, 2005-04-26 at 11:28 -1000, Angela Kahealani wrote: > > Has anyone successfully got an ATI video card driving DVI LCD on FC3? I have a el cheapo Maddog ATI 9250 AGP card driving the DVI port on a Dell 2001FP LCD display. In order to get it up, I had to make a few additions to my xorg.conf: Section "Device" Identifier "Videocard0" Driver "radeon" VendorName "Videocard vendor" BoardName "ATI Radeon 9200PRO" Option "EnablePageFlip" "true" Option "AGPSize" "64M" Option "AGPMode" "2" EndSection IIRC, it really was the Option "AGPMode" "2" that did the trick...before I made that change I had a blank screen. Note that although the card was sold as a 9250, xorg thinks it is a 9200PRO. I have added a few mode lines to move the screen a few pixels to the left but it works fine with the stock modelines other than being shifted 6 pixels to the right. I use this monitor at 1600x1200. The system motherboard is an Asus K8V/Athlon 64 3200+ and it is running using the same xorg.conf with both FC3 i386 and FC4 T2 x86_64 with no apparent problems. However, the Anaconda generated FC4 T2 (and FC3, for that matter) xorg.conf did not work....it tried but gave a corrupted upper 1/4 screen with the lower potions looking ok, but the system was unresponsive. My substitute xorg.conf fixed the problem. HTH, Karen