I am new to Fedora, which I just installed on my laptop (core 2).
The thing is I can't get any of the modems to work.
One is a Winmodem, so it's natural.
The other one, however, is on a dual XIRCOM card, that the installation recognized only as an Ethernet card.
Can anyone assist me in setting the PCMCIA modem working ?
Thanks Luis
begin:vcard fn:Luis Moreira (Eng) n:Moreira;Luis org;quoted-printable:Banco Espirito Santo - ACE;Comunica=C3=A7=C3=B5es e Seguran=C3=A7a adr;quoted-printable;dom:;;R. da Fraternidade Oper=C3=A1ria, 5;Carnaxide;;2799 email;internet:luis.moreira@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx title:Analista tel;work:+351 214168288 tel;fax:+351 214168092 tel;cell:+351 964643928 note:Cliente de mail : Mozilla Thunderbird url:http://www.moreiranet.com version:2.1 end:vcard