i have previously gotten my iriver h340 mp3 player mounted under linux. i did something like - looking at dmesg to see which sdb showed up - mkdir /mnt/H340 - mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt/H340 now i'm running fc3 [root@localhost ahoward]# cat /etc/redhat-release Fedora Core release 3 (Heidelberg) [root@localhost ahoward]# uname -srm Linux 2.6.10-1.760_FC3 i686 and, oddly, ther don't seem to be any sdb devices [root@localhost ahoward]# find /dev -name '*sdb*' [root@localhost ahoward]# nothing shows up as a usb device either [root@localhost ahoward]# ls /proc/bus/usb/ [root@localhost ahoward]# according to yum i seem to have all the usb stuff installed [root@localhost ahoward]# yum list *usb* Installed Packages libusb.i386 0.1.8-3 installed libusb-devel.i386 0.1.8-3 installed usbutils.i386 0.11-6.1 installed usbview.i386 1.0-13 installed as you may have guess by this point i'm not much of a hardware guy. so - why no sdb* devices? why doesn't dmesg or lsmod show anything when i plug in my h340 (yes it's plugged in and shows itself as 'connected as data'). thanks for any pointers kind regards. -- This is an email sent via the webforum on http://fcp.homelinux.org http://fcp.homelinux.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=62578&topic_id=15596&forum=6#forumpost62578