Anyone have a clue as to why my USB mouse stops working every so often? It seems to be getting worse. It was fine at first, then refused to work once a day, now it's down to every 1 minute! I unplug it and plug it into the next USB slot and it works - for another minute. Nothing has changed on the computer and XP works fine. Also the soundcard chucks a spazzy every so often, sometimes the sound is really fast, like the Chipmonks, then it goes all choppy. I have to turn off and start again. I'm wondering if this is an interrupt problem. The thing is that nothing has changed in the last week since this started. KEv :( PS now I think about this, Konqueror seems to freeze every now and then too, although it does the same thing on my main server as well! Find local movie times and trailers on Yahoo! Movies.