Hi Fedora world, Can anyone help with this? I have tried a little googling, with no success... Having just installed FC3 x86_64 on my new Athlon 64 box, I decided it would be nice to have i386 installed to deal with a few of the 'issues' I've encountered. So I need to shrink the root partition, which I let the install routine create on an LVM partition spanning all available space on the hard disk (there is only one). So, I know how to use LVM and e2fs tools to resize the partition, but I obviously need to have the partition unmounted. Now, when the system is booted normally, it tells me that the root partition is /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00. If I boot the Rescue CD and skip mounting my root partition (in order to resize it) and I type resize2fs /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 40000 I get something like "file not found" which I presume relates to the above device file, which indeed does not exist. I tried resize2fs /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 and got a similar error. Can anyone shed some light on this? The only articles I've found on 't'net deal with volumes other than one's root partition... Thanx in advance, Dave A.