Did anyone else have any problems when unplugging usb devices after the recent kernel upgrade? I filed a bug in Bugzilla but wondered if anyone else had a similar occurrence. The details are as follows: I am using Fedora FC3 with the new 2.6.11 kernel just installed after yum updates on 11th April. Desktop is KDE. The event sequence is that I had earlier mounted a usb disk ( in /media) and done some copying (backups). Then the usb disk had been umounted, and then once the umount had completed, and the file system on the disc checked as not being visible to an ls -l command, the usb plug was pulled out. At this point everything seemed normal. I then checked (as root in a terminal window) that /media no longer contained the disk, and then did "exit" from the root session to try to return to the user in the terminal window - at that point the system froze (i.e. on hitting the return key) The screen and mouse froze and I could not get to an alternate console using the ctrl-alt keys. The only option was to re-boot. (This has now happened a third time today (one previous occurrence was a different machine but running the same setup), and I did Alt-SysRq-s to sync discs followed by Alt-SysRq-b to re-boot) There were no obvious lines in /var/log/messages to point to a reason for the behaviour. Anyone else had something similar or able to point to where the problem might lie? -- mike cohler