ons 2005-04-13 klockan 04:18 +1000 skrev nicholas manojlovic: > Apr 13 04:13:32 localhost kernel: CPU1: Temperature above threshold > Apr 13 04:13:32 localhost kernel: CPU0: Temperature above threshold > Apr 13 04:13:32 localhost kernel: CPU0: Running in modulated clock mode > Apr 13 04:13:32 localhost kernel: CPU1: Running in modulated clock mode It might not be a problem. The threshold might not be the "damage to CPU threshold", but rather a much lower temperature. Maybe it enters this mode instead of increasing the fan speed, to keep the computer quiet. This will give you a CPU that's fast in bursts but slows down if you run it with a high CPU load for a while. Basically, you have two temperature thresholds: The slow down CPU threshold and the increase fan speed threshold. As long as the fan is working and is allowed to run at full speed when needed you should be alright. Actually, the fan speed is probably not controlled by a threshold but rather a nice curve, function of temperature. There are probably nice articles about this. The Tom's Hardware and such. But it might also be a real problem. /abo