Hello, I can't seem to find my grub.conf Two drives hda, hdb3 systems on both orignally FC2 on hdb3 but file system trouble installed FC3 on hda (first sector using advanced options not the MBR) upgraded FC2 using the MBR option found my system wouldn't boot because the system on hdb3 was still corrupt [there actually is an explanation why this isn't as completely daft as it seems. Actually did a apt-get dist-upgrade on the hdb3 FC2 system and the next boot got a kernel panic and file system troubles. Did a FC2 install on a new hda drive which worked fine until I did apt- get dist-upgrade on it and got file system troubles. So I was just curious if it was the FC2 that was the problem but even after the upgrade it kernel panicks] used recovery disk to edit hdb3 /boot/grub/grub.conf to boot using hda unfortunately making a mistake of vmlinuz-2.6.10-1.770.FC3 and not vmlinuz-2.6.10-1.770_FC3 so I needed to manually change it for everyboot (until I made a boot disk) well there is nothing now under hdb3 /boot/grub/grub.conf and hda /boot/grub/grub.conf is correct without the error I just mentioned. So I am wondering where it might be. searching for grub.conf doesn't turn it up. Is it in the MBR, and if so, it it editable? Shawn