I installed kde-redhat using a combination of yum and a lot of hand-picking of rpms from the fedora-extras repo and kde-redhat. Perhaps I made myself too much work, because with the confidence I now have in kde-redhat, I'm sure their versions would have been as good as fedora extras. I want to warn you about shockwave flash. It's ok to install sxfdec, but don't bother with the plugin (it doesn't support flash 6, 7, or 8). If you install it, few web pages will work in Konqueror. They will either freeze up or just not display. Get the official flash plugin for Linux from macromedia.com. It works flawlessly in Konqueror, Firefox and Mozilla. Some of the screensavers don't work. I figured out how to get most, but not all, of the problem ones working: go into gnome screensaver setup and set the extended screensaver configuration options up (mainly, just telling them that they can manipulate the screen, where the image directories are, etc). If amarok starts using up 100% of your cpu (strangely, not while playing music, but when you hit stop), you have to go into setup and do either: pick the arts engine; or choose the gstreamer engine with alsasink output plugin and enter the device, dmix. This will solve the problem. I had a funny problem after upgrading, but I don't recall whether it was with the kde-redhat 3.4 or the fedora official kde 3.4, but what happened was after logging in, I would get an error message that /usr/lib/qt-3.3/etc/settings/qt_plugins_3.3rc could not be opened. By setting the permission of this file, chmod 644, the problem was solved. I want to tell you that it might be necessary to also install mplayer and xine (from dag repo). If mplayer gives you an error message about lirc and you don't have a remote control, just install it with the --nodeps flag. There are some special configurations that you need to do. You have to get the mplayer codecs from www.mplayerhq.hu (get the all.tar file). Unpack them and put them into /usr/lib/win32, so that xine can make use of them. Then: ln -s /usr/lib/win32 /usr/local/lib/codecs, so that mplayer finds them. Make sure to tell xine where they are, too, by doing the program setup (xine uses the win32 directory mentioned above). Also, get all of the gstreamer plugins from kde-redhat, and if any are missing, use the ones from fedora-extras (dag might have yet more). After they are all installed, register them for each user on your computer: gst-register-0.8. The two programs, kplayer and kmplayer, from the kde-redhat repo are just frontends for xine, mplayer and gstreamer, but have some very nice features... and kmplayer even records video streams! You should now have a fully functional system. Yippee! Pete PS: No, I have not posted my ecstatic assessment of kde-redhat to their mailing list. I guess I really should give those guys some thanks for the super job. ______________________________________________________________________ Post your free ad now! http://personals.yahoo.ca