i have defora c 3 setup on a 1200mhz duron w/ 256mb ram and 1 80 gb drive and a cdr all is well, everything works the way it should. howveer i tore down a win2kserver in order to set this up. so i have 3 OTHER hd's that are formateed NTFS and have a LOT of data that i'd love to get to and manipulate from my linux box. i COULD load them 1 by one on my xp box, copy what i need and xfer the data. but it seems to me that there MUST be a way to slap it in set it as slave and mount it while maintaining the NTFS partitions. unfortuantely i am aay from my pc and have limited net access to the net. anyone w/ step by step instructions or a link to the same would be appreciated. thanks j