I'm doing this with a nightly cron script scheduled to run on my machine with my primary usage e-mail client, by having it send an e- mail to the imap server.
Here is the script I will run from cron on the machine with my mail client:
--------- #!/bin/sh
export TERM=Linux cd /tmp ADDRESS="$HOME/AddressBook.vcf"
MESSAGE="`mktemp whitemail.XXXX`"
echo "STARTWHITE" > ${MESSAGE} cat ${ADDRESS} |grep INTERNET |cut -d":" -f2 >> ${MESSAGE}
mail -s "WHITELIST" mpeters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx < ${MESSAGE} rm -f ${MESSAGE} ----------
Here is the procmail recipe on my account at utility
---------- :0: * ^Subject.*WHITELIST * ^From.*mpeters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | cat > $HOME/whitelist.in && $HOME/bin/whitelist.sh ----------
here is the ~/bin/whitelist.sh script
---------- #!/bin/sh [ -f $HOME/whitelist.in ] || exit 1 [ -f $HOME/.spamassassin/user_prefs ] || exit 1
LN=`grep -n "STARTWHITE" $HOME/whitelist.in |cut -d":" -f1` || exit 1 LENGTH=`wc -l $HOME/whitelist.in |cut -d" " -f1` TAIL=`echo "${LENGTH} - ${LN}" |bc`
tail -${TAIL} $HOME/whitelist.in |grep -v "^$" |sort |uniq > ~/.whitelist
for a in `cat ~/.whitelist`; do
if [ `grep -c "_from ${a}" $HOME/.spamassassin/user_prefs` -eq 0 ]; then
echo "whitelist_from ${a}" >> $HOME/.spamassassin/ user_prefs
Is there a "cleaner" way to accomplish the same thing?
-- Michael A. Peters http://mpeters.us/