On Tue, 2005-04-05 at 08:01 -0400, Tim Holmes wrote: > The specific areas that I am hitting problems include > > - Establishing a DAV server for mozilla calander > - Getting samba working properly in a WIN 2003 Server domain > (authentication / File sharing) > - Establishing a Local Time Server > - Establishing a Fedora Core Repository for updates > - Properly configuring Sendmail > - Properly configuring Mailman > - Implementing some kind of internal IM for our school (Jabber looks > like the most likely candidate) > - Getting NIS (if necessary working) > - Getting NFS working among Linux boxes > - Preparing for FC3 upgrade to all of my FC2 boxes > That's a heck of a list you have there. But it's pretty much all "on- topic" for this list. Just post your questions separately, so that each discussion can be about a single topic. And in each one, give as much detail as you can (including what you have tried and where you have succeeded or failed). Make it easier for others to help you. I have two documents which may help you. The first is my "Bare-Bones Server HOWTO" which deals with the installation of a minimal server, reasonable security measures to reduce the risk, and the firewall configuration for that box. It is not yet 100% complete but it will at least be useful to you. The other is the "Sendmail SMTP AUTH HOWTO". It will help you quickly configure a working Sendmail installation to allow roaming users to relay through that server, without opening up unnecessary security holes or making you do much work. It is only one step in setting up a good mail server, but it may be useful. Both documents can be found in the Linux section of Simpaticus.com: http://www.simpaticus.com Two other comments. One is that if you're "preparing to upgrade" a bunch of boxes, you might want to consider waiting for the release of FC4 which is not that far away. The other is that I would suggest first working on basic network services (router, firewall, DHCP, DNS, NTP), then approaching the rest in descending order of priority for your work requirements. But try to do one thing at a time, or two at most... you'll likely get more done in less time that way. Other resources have already been posted, and surely you'll see others soon. Cheers, -- Rodolfo J. Paiz <rpaiz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>