Hi Craig, This is why I like smart so well, Its is not a perfect pm, but it is very full featured. > > Her problem is that she cannot solve dependency issues because there are > multiple versions of the same package - in this case openoffice, system- > config-printer and previously, it was php which we solved. Obviously, > yum would be able to solve & install dependent packages if this problem > didn't exist and the addition of another overlay program like apt is > going to have the same problem. This isn't a yum problem - this is a > problem with the base of rpm packages that are already installed on this > system. > So I decided to break my system a little to show what it can do. This is my initial output of rpm -qa |grep php [micheal@Fedora3 ~]$ rpm -qa |grep php php-pgsql-4.3.10-3.2 php-ldap-4.3.10-3.2 php-mysql-4.3.10-3.2 php-pear-4.3.10-3.2 php-odbc-4.3.10-3.2 php-4.3.10-3.2 php-gd-4.3.10-3.2 Let me try to install an older version of php-ldap, for whatever reason, and I install it --force --nodeps. Children do not try this at home [root@Fedora3 micheal]# rpm -i --force --nodeps /home/micheal/php- ldap-4.3.9-3.i386.rpm [root@Fedora3 micheal]# rpm -qa |grep php php-pgsql-4.3.10-3.2 php-ldap-4.3.10-3.2 php-mysql-4.3.10-3.2 php-pear-4.3.10-3.2 php-odbc-4.3.10-3.2 php-4.3.10-3.2 php-gd-4.3.10-3.2 php-ldap-4.3.9-3 Note the 2 versions of php-ldap. Now I will invoke the archaic command "smart fix" as root [root@Fedora3 micheal]# smart fix Loading cache... Updating cache... ######################################## [100%] Computing transaction... Removed packages (1): php-ldap-4.3.9-3@i386 38.6kB will be freed. Confirm changes? (Y/n): y Committing transaction... Preparing... ######################################## [ 0%] 1:Removing php-ldap ######################################## [100%] Saving cache... [root@Fedora3 micheal]# [root@Fedora3 micheal]# rpm -qa |grep php php-pgsql-4.3.10-3.2 php-ldap-4.3.10-3.2 php-mysql-4.3.10-3.2 php-pear-4.3.10-3.2 php-odbc-4.3.10-3.2 php-4.3.10-3.2 php-gd-4.3.10-3.2 Viola it is gone. This can also be done in the GUI, Edit > Check installed packages, will give you a listing of anything that is out of sort. and Edit> Fill all problems will make the correct changes. Smart is by all means not perfect, and is a memory hog. But has tons of features, including locking a package and setting priorities for certain repos on the package level. HTH Micheal