What is your added value, wizard??? it seeems that Network server is a common problem when you try to see files in a shared Windows folder (that is a standard situation in a office....where Windows is most part of a network)On Apr 1, 2005 4:09 AM, Antonio Montagnani <anto.montagnani@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Due to unrecoverable errors on the file system (at least I didn't know
<text removed>
2) after re-installation and transfer of the same configuration files (same iptables, samba) from my back-up machine, magically the Network Server started to work and now I can surf any shared Windows folder on other PCs.Any clue???
you are magical! Remember me this guy from "The Green Mile" movie.
hehehe sorry to list members, I could'nt resist
What I forgot to say that my previous FC3 installation was un upgrade from FC1/FC2, and I am still having similar troubles in an upgraded machine (fully updated..)
-- Antonio ================================================================================ Mail by Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 Websurfing by Mozilla Firefox 1.0
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