not sure what top-posting is...
It's what you're doing, putting your reply *before* the entire quoted text to which you are replying, instead of snipping out most of the original text (so as to leave just enough context to indicate which part of the original mail a reply is about) and then posting your reply below the quoted text, like most people on the list do. This style of posting makes it easier to follow email discussions and is less wasteful of disk space, bandwidth etc.
but, when i do a #which mysql , i get /usr/bin/mysql
when i do #mysql , i get -bash: /usr/local/bin/mysql: no dir or file
so, how do i find what's causing this... ?????
OK, try this: $ ls -l /usr/kerberos/sbin/mysql \ /usr/kerberos/bin/mysql \ /usr/local/sbin/mysql \ /usr/local/bin/mysql \ /sbin/mysql \ /bin/mysql \ /usr/sbin/mysql \ /usr/bin/mysql $ alias
Hopefully that will identify what's getting run when you type "mysql".