On Tue, 22 Mar 2005, Shelagh Manton wrote:
Rick Stevens <rstevens@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
Shelagh Manton wrote:
Try booting in single user mode, then run
system-config-display --reconfig
to fix your X setup. If you don't know how to boot in single user mode:
1. Select your kernel from the grub display and hit "e".
2. Scroll down to the line that starts with "kernel" and hit "e" again.
3. Add " single" to the end of the line (yes, a space, then the word
"single") and hit ENTER.
4. Hit "b" to boot.
The system will boot up to a "#" root command prompt. Run the
"system-config-display --reconfig" command at the "#" prompt. When
you're done, type in "exit" at the "#" prompt and the system should
reboot back to GUI mode.
Yes did this. however apparently I don't have this utility. I am using
Fedora 1, would this be the problem?
IIRC, in FC1 this utility was called redhat-config-display.
Matthew Saltzman
Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu