Hi, I used to use xcdroast, and I'm discovering k3b.
I have two questions about it :
1) when I fire it up, I have a warning about the fact that cdrecord and cdrdao can't be run with the root's right. It is said to go to the advanced config parameters to solve that, but I can't see nothing related to that in the configuration menu.
I run FC3.
2) It is said that some external programs are missing : tccat, tcdecode tcextract, tcprobe, tcscan, transcode, vcdxbuild vcdxminfo, and vcdxrip.
Are they important to run k3b ? Thanks. Francois
Under system tools you will find a K3b setup program. Run this and it will change permissions. You may have to redo this if you update K3b in the future as well.
As for the other applications, I am not sure. Check http://techpubs.sgi.com/library/dynaweb_docs/linux/usr/HOWTO/Fedora-Multimedia-Installation-HOWTO.html
Fedora Multimedia HOWTO. It may help. -- Robin Laing