I'm trying to use autofs in its simplest possible form, following examples in Red Hat's documentation. I can mount the nfs export manually (at the command line or with /etc/fstab) with no problem. The export is on my desktop pc and I want to mount it on my laptop using autofs because of the long delay when I boot the notebook when it's not on the network (mounting with /etc/fstab). Here's how I've set it up: Server (Desktop PC): /etc/exports: /home/sbrown,sync) Notebook: /etc/auto.master: /misc /etc/auto.misc /etc/hosts: dadlx /etc/auto.misc: dad -rw,soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 dadlx:/home/sbrown After reloading aufofs, /sbin/service autofs status reports: Configured Mount Points: ------------------------ /usr/sbin/automount --timeout=60 /misc file /etc/auto.misc Active Mount Points: -------------------- /usr/sbin/automount --timeout=60 /misc file /etc/auto.misc I'm assuming that if this works, I will be able to view the desktop files on my notebook at /misc/dad. nfs is running on the server and autofs is running on the notebook. If I get this working, I'll set up my notebook to mount exports on two other networks I connect to. Any assistance with this would be appreciated.