RE: Can sendmail do this?

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-----Original Message-----
From: fedora-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:fedora-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of P Jones
Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2005 2:26 PM
To: fedora-list
Subject: Re: Can sendmail do this?

On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 22:17:02 +0100, Alexander Dalloz <ad+lists@xxxxxxxxx>
> Am So, den 20.03.2005 schrieb P Jones um 22:05:
> > I'd like to have a remote FC1 machine email me every day with the
> > logwatch email. This would serve two purposes, first, obviously, I'd
> > be able to read the logwatch report without logging into the remote
> > server, but more importantly, the server is on a dynamic IP DSL line,
> > and since ssh is how I log in, I need to know what the IP is, and it
> > would come in the email's headers (I think).
> >
> > Also, are there any security issues with sending the email? Is there a
> > better way to do what I'd like to do?
> > -P
> On the dynamic IP server edit /etc/mail/ and set the
> SMART_HOST" to the ISP's MTA and restart sendmail. In /etc/aliases set
> the root alias and run newaliases.
> Alexander


Thank-you for the info. One more sendmail question, and I've seen the
answer to this somewhere before but I just can't google it now, is
this; how do I send a test message through sendmail from the command

Another short question; on this same server the logwatch email never
got through to root. There were errors in Mail log like this, every
day: "Mar 20 04:08:16 some-server sendmail[6996]: j2K9730f006996:
SYSERR(root): savemail: cannot save rejected email anywhere" . To this
day I have not solved that problem, and I'm pretty sure I haven't
previously done anything to

Thanks again,


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I use a perl script to email me the ifconfig output to my work email.
That way I know the dynamic IP address.
I schedule it with a cron job at 4 AM and also use the dhclient-exit-hooks
script to send me an email when it renews the IP address.

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