Re: Antivirus in FC3?

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On Sunday 20 March 2005 14:29, Craig White wrote:
>answering Gene's post and yours...
>Gene believes that his home network is very secure

Its been scanned at fairly regular intervals, usually without being 
able to detect a machine at the address it lives at in terms of the 
verizon dhcp supplied address.

>I exchanged a number of emails with Gene about setting up NFS and he
>didn't show the interest in making it work - gave up once he
> satisfied himself with the samba mounts and moved on.

Ahh, but I was interested.  I was also getting a lot of semi 
conflicting info from several people besides you.

>Homogenous UID mappings are easily achieved through NIS or LDAP
>implementation or simply replicating /etc/passwd & /etc/shadow
>& /etc/group from computer to computer - perhaps a bit beyond the
> scope of a home network but certainly achievable.

I've not done that as I have the same passwords set on all machines, 
but presumably I could.  However the export itself is where I'm 
seeing the no permission error, so the error is generated before it 
ever hits a nic to go someplace else and brag about its availability.

>The point was however, Gene has stated emphatically that he has
> never owned a Windows system but he uses Windows networking
> protocols to create network connections on his home network. That
> is indicative of many people who believe that they are 'MS Free'
> but still, perhaps unwittingly, embrace Windows technology.

So?  One uses what works, even if it is a more highly developed clone 
of an M$ service, it certainly didn't come with an M$like eula.

>Some more thoughts to ponder...want to exchange word processing
>documents with others? RTF format is - you guessed it - Microsoft
>Sound files? WAV - Need I say?
>Open your browser - see the ICON next to the URL?
>that's your browser automatically asking for 'favico.ico'
>What is an ICO file? a derivative of Microsoft's BMP format

Excuse me, but amigados and even some of the os9(microware, not apple) 
coders can claim megatons of prior art that was in common use long 
before M$ even thought of windows.  Hell, we even had viewbmp and 
viewgif on the trs-80 color computers running os9 back in the last 
half of the 80's.  M$ may have had the chutzpah to patent it, but if 
it was granted, it was stolen as usual.

>We are less MS Free than we think we are.

Only by M$'s fuzzy proclamations, which if repeated enough times, 
seems to have become the mantra of even those who really should know 
better including you, Craig.  Samba as a clone of the SMB protocol 
yes, but take many of the other claims above with a suitable quantity 
of salt.

Much of ths stuff gets first written by someone on an off the main 
trail system to scratch an itch, but as soon as it works, M$ 
appropriates it and claims its theirs, and saddly, occasionally a 
non-tech-aware judge agree's.

I've been watching the redmond mechanations too long to swallow the PR 
stuff whole.  I wrote my first usefull commercial/industrial code, 
and it was then used for at least 12 years at a tv station, back in 
'78, it ran on an RCA 1802 on a super elf board.

While I've never had the urge to buy into the M$ camp, I certainly 
have watched the urgent, sometimes even violent, pangs of sex and 
birthing stories coming out of Redmond over some child they 
'adopted'.  For as long as M$ has existed in a form known past the 
city limits.


Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
99.34% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly and AOL/TW attorneys please note, additions to the above
message by Gene Heskett are:
Copyright 2005 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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