C Toews wrote:
Thanks very much for the help. Your description of the device files
was very helpful. I followed the directions on the links you gave me
and succeeded in generating a symbolic link between /dev/cdrom and
/dev/hdc. When I crank up the cd player (I'm using gnome-cd), it now
at least looks like its playing the disc (i.e. it shows the tracks,
and when I push play, the seconds tick by, etc.)
Still no sound, unfortunately. I've tried messing with the volume
settings, all to no avail. I know its not a matter of a missing
cable, since audio plays fine on the Windows side (I'm running this on
a laptop, by the way, for whatever its worth.) I'm a little confused
about which volume settings to adjust: there seem to be three volume
settings of relevance, one being the volume bar on the player itself,
one being the volume icon in the tray (I'm running gnome) and the
third being the large sound panel with lots of different option I can
access from the sound and video menu. I've tried unmuting everything
via the latter and putting all other volume settings on all other
volume bars up to max. Of course, with so many volume bars, it is
hard to know if there might not be some particular combination of ups,
downs, mutings, etc. that leads to sounds, but this seems to me
improbable. I do get sound when I do the sound check, so the system
knows about the sound card. The difficulty seems to be connecting the
sound card to the player. I've tried other players (in particular,
Grip) with the same silent results.... ;-(
Argh. I'll keep plugging away and see what happens. Thanks again for
your help--if you have any more ideas, I'd be very pleased to hear them.
See http://www.ces.clemson.edu/linux/alsa.shtml