All, I've completely run out of ideas on this, so please excuse an obvious question. I have read all the stuff about bug #102272 and the proxy settings and have done this hoodles of times - I just can't remember what else I'm missing ... I'm replacing a customer's FC2 machine, which they want to stay on FC2, so on new hardware I loaded the FC2 CDs - all OK. Then I put the machine onto my network to get it do a full up2date. m/c ip: web-proxy: new machine can ping web-proxy; can telnet to web-proxy, can use the squid server on web-proxy to see webpages. The webproxy is a simple squid non-authenticating proxy. The sequence: # export http_proxy= # /usr/sbin/up2date -u -v produces the usual TypeError: iterable argument required I've been staring the bug listing in the face until I've gone blue but I can't see what I have missed :-( Can any kind soul throw me the missing piece ? Jonathan