On Fri, 11 Mar 2005, Edward wrote:
Guys, I like working things out for myself but would just like a leg up on where to start.
I've just replaced an aging HP PIII 600 server with a whitebox server running a gigabyte dual processor board.
This board also has dual ethernet ports.
I'm using a standard FS108 Netgear switch.
Is it possible to use the second ethernet port together with the first to create a 200Mbps link to the rest of my private network instead of a 100Mbps one?
The fs108 is an unmanaged switch, so it won't do lacp or etherchannel. you can assign a different ip address on each port and route traffic destined for some hosts out one and some hosts out the other...
The biggest performance kick would probably come from replacing the unmanaged fs108 with an unmanaged gig switch.
If it is possible WITHOUT spending too much money, could you kindly point me to a tutorial/howto or keywords to use with google as I don't even know the terminology :)
Regards, Ed.
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