> > This is just a guess, but I think Stephen was joking. > > > > At least, I _hope_ he was... > > Maybe, maybe not. My first Macintosh at work was impossible to shut down. The local "guru" first thought I was joking (I wasn't) and then he gave the usual spiel about how one must use the shut down menu because there was no on/off switch on these highly advanced computers. He had a good laugh at my expense until he tried it and the machine sprang back to life as if possessed. That's the day I discovered the "Server Switch" on the back panel. It tells the machine to reboot immediately after shutdown. Using this on your network server would make sure that it would wake first after a power failure. Mine was turned on. Mr. Guru didn't know about that....even though he was a smart guy and had used Macs for years. Stephen, hope we helped....and if not, hope you had a good laugh! :-) Erik