Hi, I have tried to get the SATA harddisk in my Dell Dimension 8400 recognized from Fedora Core 3, and have succeeded manually. (I left the BIOS setting in the original state (RAID AHCI)) My FC3 is installed on a PATA harddisk which I added myself to the system. I wanted to be able to see the SATA harddisk to allow for getting data from the NTFS partition. The only change I really made was the alias "scsi_hostadapter" in /etc/modprobe.conf: from alias scsi_hostadapter ata_piix to alias scsi_hostadapter ahci Then I did an lsmod, and saw that ata_piix was already loaded, so I unloaded it, using: # rmmod ata_piix and then loading the desired module: # modprobe ahci Then I looked if the SATA harddisk was seen from fdisk: # fdisk -l And yes, it showed up as /dev/sda with partitions /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda3. After downloading and installing the kernel module for ntfs, I mounted the C:-drive and could successfully look into files on that drive. I also changed /etc/fstab to incorporate the mounting of the C:-drive during boot. After the reboot the SATA disk was not recognized, and thus the C:-drive was not mounted. I saw that besides the "ahci" module also "ata_piix" was still loaded, while I had disabled that in modprobe.conf. Strange, right? After a recursive grep in /etc I saw that the file /etc/sysconfig/hwconf contained this string "ata_piix" also: : class: OTHER bus: PCI detached: 0 driver: ata_piix desc: "Intel Corp. 82801FR/FRW (ICH6R/ICH6RW) SATA Controller" vendorId: 8086 deviceId: 2652 subVendorId: 1028 subDeviceId: 0177 pciType: 1 pcidom: 0 pcibus: 0 pcidev: 1f pcifn: 2 : After a search on google it appeared that I should not modify the file /etc/sysconfig/hwconf manually, because it is used by Kudzu. Kudzu does hardware detection and apparently connects the wrong driver to it. At least the wrong driver in my case; probably, if I would have set the BIOS setting for RAID to SATA/PATA, then the setting was correct?! Apparently the file is also used to determine which modules should be loaded, and therefore it also loads ata_piix. Due to the entry in /etc/modprobe.conf also the ahci driver is loaded, but loading ata_piix and ahci together seems to be a bad idea... Does anybody know how I could make Kudzu think that it should (only) use the ahci driver for this hardware? Aad