Jim Cornette wrote:
Installed Xine also, since you said it was working excelent at your computer.... But guess....
A more irretating thing is that Fedora Core 2 worked Excelent!! The only problem there was the TV out and a "second monitor"
I believe this is regression of a driver. It appears that a bug report should get the problem on the way to a resolution.
Thanks for the input. I was helped out by trying to guide you to a resolution. I don't know if this will help you to get videos playing again with FC3.
Off to freedesktop.org again! - :-)
BTW - resorting to the noaccel option for long term is not a very good solution. When I scrolled down this message, strobing was pretty bad. Normally (for me) there is no such problem with no added entries in xorg.conf
Same problem as with Totem or the mplayer plugin for firefox. As soon as it is trying to play a movie. X & KDE shuts down.