New to Fedora, but not RH.
Pulled binary ISO's using torrent and all passed md5sum. I have created several copies of the ISO's using Nero 6 and have tried several different combos to burn. According to what i have read it should be as simple as <Record-Burn Image-(Select Image)-Check Finalize CD-Burn. None have past linux mediacheck yet. disc1 fails with "...glibc-common-2.3.3-74 cannot be found."
I have 5 disc1s randomly pulled from the spindle, all which fail. None of the other disc's I have created for Fedora have passed the
mediacheck either.
Thanks for the help.
This problem seems like the one overcome with either booting with
linux ide=nodma
or with the other option to just disable dma for the CDROM drives.
The problem was with the 2.6 kernel compared to the 2.4 kernel. Anyway, the disk most likely was burned correctly and in a usable state.
This problem was discussed when people were hsving it when FC3 was first released. The archives should give you more information regarding this problem.