I have an sblive card and I'm trying to get digital out to work. I have emu-tools 9.4.1-1 and alsa utils and libs.
Does anyone know how to set this up? I have searched everywhere.
My hardware is an asus av7133C with a sblive card, athlon processor.
In the Volume Control, every time you boot, you need to un-mute PCM and run the double sliders all the way to the top. Then run your horizontal slider all the way to the right. You will see a window that says, "SB Live Analog/Digital Output Jack" and in it a checked box saying "Mute." Un-mute that setting--and your digital output should work.
I inherited a Boston Acoustics digital 4.1 system recently, and not until I installed FC3 on my machine was I able to get this to work. I discovered the "SB Live Analog/Digital Output Jack Mute" box quite by accident. But once I un-checked that "Mute" box, the digital sound system worked--and it has worked ever since.