Brian Ashe wrote:
And from the growisofs man page...
-overburn Normally DVD media can accommodate up to approximately 4.700.000.000 bytes (in marketing speech 4.7GB). In other words a DVD can contain about 4.377 GiB or 4482 MiB. Growisofs won't start without this option, if "overburn" condition appears to be unavoidable.
Bingo! And "-overburn" doesn't seem to be available as a DVD burning option in K3B.
Found the overburn selection. Look at Tools -> Configure K3b.... Once the Options - K3b dialog window opens, look at the Advanced tab under Writing. There is a selection to allow overburning. This should be what you are looking for.
James McKenzie
With assistance, Now running 2.6.11rc3, Software Suspend 2
and ibm-acpi .1
Need a home for my .rpm