I have tried twice to install the Fedora 3 on a Dell Dimension 1000. I took the Workstation instead of the Desktop option.
The problems I have are that:
1. There are packages "corrupted or the CD drive cannot read it". This is the error message. I have two set of the install CDs, one from the Red Hat website, one from one of the mirror sites. All the CDs passed the test. When some of the packages failed to open, sometimes the installation will go around and continue, sometime it stuck there. It's almost impossible that both of the install CD have corrupted packages.
2. When the installation crippled to only 20 minutes left with the 2nd CD in the drive, the installation halt. No keyboard and mouse respose anymore.
3. This is a minor problem: the installation screen does not re-paint correctly. Sometimes I have to move the mouse to show the whole popup dialogbox.
Does anybody have the similar experience?
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