I'd like to install Fedora on one of my machines. The
hard drive that I want to use was formatted in XP but
contains OS and no data. What is it that I have to
download exactly? Is it only the FC3-i386-disc1.iso,
FC3-i386-disc2.iso, FC3-i386-disc3.iso,
FC3-i386-disc4.iso files that should be downloaded? Or must I also download the SRPMS files also? Once
the files are burned onto a DVD, do I simply put the
DVD in and boot the machine up? Or do I need to
download the boot.iso? Any help would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you.
If you want to burn a DVD, you should download FC3-i386-DVD.iso. That will be all you need if your computer can boot from DVD-ROM.
Are you intending to overwrite the XP installation or have a dual-boot system with both operating systems installed?