I've got a K7S5A Pro mobo. It has been running FC1 for quite a while
with no issues. I wanted to run FC3 and have more space so I swapped
out the 10GB disk and put in a Seagate ST3300831A 300GB unit. It was
properly recognized during FC3 install. After completion of
installation, I ran some updates via RHN and apt-get. No problems.
After sitting idle for a few minutes, I did an 'ls' in the terminal.
The drive made a "clunk" sound, the disk activity light came on, and
the machine was locked up hard.
This basic scenario has repeated itself several times. Once while
installing FC3 again, the clunk happened when I clicked Next after
setting the NTP server.
Any ideas? Does this mobo and FC3 simply not play nice with this disk?