Hi Robert, Thanks for ur help.When i login as root it does not give such error,thanks! Yet the information displayed does not match with that of df -h. df -h shows much more space used than the information retrieved by rt click. Rajev
This can be explained by the method used to store files. I file will have at least two blocks assigned to it, the first block will be data and the second will be used to tell the file system where the file is located on the drive and is called a informational node or inode. When you run df -h it tells you what amount of drive space is used, available and how large the drive is. Also, 10% of all drive space is reserved for 'overflow' which can ONLY be used by users belonging the root group. This is designed to prevent overwriting of information residing in a partition.
James McKenzie
With assistance, Now running 2.6.11rc3, Software Suspend 2
and ibm-acpi .1
Need a home for my .rpm